Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Allied Sciences

Message from the Dean of FECAS
- Dr. Daniel Michael Okwabi Adjin

Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Allied Sciences (FECAS). Here at FECAS, we provide practical training with focus on industry. Because of this our students are industry ready all the time due to essential skills and innovative ideas they acquire.

Departments under FECAS

The Faculty of Engineering, Computing, and Allied Sciences (FECAS) is a vital part of Regent University College of Science and Technology, offering specialized programs in engineering, computing, and related fields. It consists of two departments: the Department of Engineering and the Department of Informatics.

Overall, FECAS provides a platform for students to delve into the realms of engineering and computing. It strives to foster innovation, critical thinking, and technical expertise among its students, preparing them for successful careers in their respective fields and contributing to advancements in technology and allied sciences.

Department of Engineering

The Department of Engineering is dedicated to providing high-quality education in various engineering disciplines. Students enrolled in this department have the opportunity to pursue undergraduate programs that equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in engineering.

Department of Computing

The Department of Computing focuses on the study of computer science, information technology, and related subjects. It offers programs that prepare students for the ever-evolving world of technology and computing.The department likely emphasizes practical application, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.

By becoming a part of our department, you will join a community of passionate individuals who are driven to make a positive impact in the engineering world. You will have opportunities for networking, collaboration, and interdisciplinary experiences, as we encourage interactions between different departments and schools within Regent University College of Science and Technology.

Join us in the Department of Engineering at FECAS and embark on a rewarding educational journey that will pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career in engineering. We look forward to welcoming you and witnessing your growth and achievements within our esteemed department.